Making walking and biking better in bedford.

Imagine your children being able to walk or bike to school. Imagine being able to comfortably bike to the Bedford Hills and Katonah train stations. Imagine being able to safely bike or walk with your family to the park or the library. 

We deserve safe facilities for walking and biking.

Our Vision

We envision a network of safe walking and biking paths connecting the hamlets and destinations within them. By creating a high-quality, safe network of walking and biking paths we will encourage more people to leave their cars at home more often. Encouraging walking and biking has many benefits like improved traffic, parking, and public health. It will also help reduce noise and air pollution and decrease our carbon emissions. Any effort to increase facilities for walking and biking must also include improvements that reduce motor vehicle speeds. 

Upcoming events

  • Memorial Day Bike Parade

    Sunday May 28, 2023


  • Walk & Roll to School DAy

    October 4, 2023